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The articular technique consists of gently mobilizing two joint surfaces. Prior to this, practitioner meticulously prepare the surrounding soft tissues and position the patient to reduce or eliminate the energy and force required for the maneuver.


Many patients perceive this technique as being less intense than traditional joint manipulations. 


Osteopathic Practitioner use this technique to:​

- Reduce muscle spasms near a joint

- Ease neurological irritations around a joint

- Make joints more mobile

- Reduce pain and discomfort


The lymphatic system, often regarded as distinct, is actually an integral part of the overall system.

It serves two primary functions: transporting fatty fluids from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and returning interstitial fluid that leaks from capillaries back into the cardiovascular system.


Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the body's defense, with mobile elements like lymphocytes circulating to eliminate foreign substances and static organs filtering these fluids.


Furthermore, the lymphatic system provides support and protection, as fluid fills fascial cavities, offering structural integrity and acting as a tensegrity system that distributes external forces evenly, thereby reducing their impact. It can also be viewed as a hydraulic support mechanism, buffering structures from external pressures, similar to how cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) safeguards the central nervous system.



Soft Tissue Techniques are beneficial for all ages:


- Adults: Whether due to occupational stress or lifestyle choices, adults benefit greatly from the therapeutic effects on muscles and circulation.


- Athletes: These techniques help athletes maintain muscle flexibility, reduce injury risk, and enhance recovery times.


- Elderly: Older adults can experience improved mobility, reduced pain, and enhanced overall quality of life.


- Children: Soft tissue techniques can be gentle enough to address issues like growing pains or minor injuries in children.


Osteopathic Manual Practitioner utilize visceral manipulation to address the body's organs and viscera, such as the liver, stomach, and intestines.


Patients may experience discomfort in one or more of these areas, or the viscera may lack the necessary flexibility.


Practitioner gently manipulate the structures and the surrounding fascia (connective tissue) to restore optimal movement.


Most patients undergoing visceral manipulation only feel a light pressure from the practitioner's hands, yet these adjustments can significantly enhance organ mobility, increase blood flow, and improve overall organ function.

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