Just as a refreshed and organized space can help you feel great, a balanced body system can as well.
This isn’t just a metaphor; this is where osteopathic treatments shine as they can gently help in removing the “clutter” of physical discomforts, such as aches and stiffness, while enhancing overall bodily functionality.
Stemming from the principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, this modality helps aid the delicate and integrated relationship between the body’s nervous system, muscles, nerves, circulation, fascia, and bones.
“As osteopathy is built on a holistic approach to overall well-being, it can be an integral part of wellness care when seasons transition from one to another,” Osteopathy First’s Ernest Geid explains. “A gentle, non-invasive treatment, both osteopathy and craniosacral therapy can be used to help soothe a wide range of physical and emotional concerns.”
For more from our interview featured on Methods of Care, a new wellness blog and directory for those with chronic pain, fatigue, stress, and burnout, visit here!